marwoh 9,1 igke 
Mz'es. 1~. 'Pive Allinson 
Wegt Chtr    10'&nnylvtnia 
D~ear Mrs. All1inson: 
1 WQU3A~ sugget the Tibu k dc ti issue as suit- 
of~ theq n)obeL1 for '*ei  i. itattbtior..  I 
L-an'. t '-p-t ua,ýp w th the, !o~~    itare-ture 
   ~~fi~tflyto h11we ax P'n ifi teew~ouwidat.ons, 
   butyo mSigt -^w~at to* &ks the two followiiig org.-iza- 
   Cln        o 1i40  t~r     of -Jfw lvitujAtion 
Uhee "Vill b#e abi, t¶ ixnjh Kewieth -bill, izaak 
WrCLA#)n     of AmrC, o1w-1xa* 'Mworial. Bldg., 
  31 orVth3tate Stret, O'Amaoa' 2, Illinois; 0Oa2rl 
Shcizi-kar, N~ational 1.71ld11fe Fedmr,-Aion, 3303 
                             Yquxru sliizt0rey, 
Aldo Leopold 