shake a stick at. The lodge will be closed this year. Mr. Bell may 
come up for a day or sobut he is not planning to open up this year. 
Wonder if you and Starker or your brother might come up. The non-resident

fee is $25.00.   A bit stiff but one gun could be split. The water came up

with a three-day rain and it looks as though we will have some real duck

shooting about the second week in October when the flight usually hits 
       By the way. The Institute just sent me thý check for Mr. Gilroy.

($80.00) I had already paid it out of this months petty cash fund. I have

now deposited this *80,00 check in the petty cash fund. As the payment 
has already been made I believe this $80.00 should be subtracted from the

petty cash replenishment check which the Institute will send me at the 
end of the month. 