(ROM 1!) 
Xr. Jee 17. 341 
200 O~hamr of Commerc 
MinneogoUs, Kiuamesta 
Dear Mr. Bell: 
     I an g. to hav yor letter of Mq 30 expessin your approval f 
the r.search wor at Delta and your intention of GontintIng yvur oontributioa

of $2,350 ualoee uznual conitioAs develop. 
     I wat to "smre you that it is likgwise the intention of the Instito

to aentim. its cotribuitioa of $2,5M, plus sueh special Items as aW be 
neede* during partioular years. 
     It might be well at this time to set down the psps which we have hal

in mind at Delta. 'e hope to *at the steae for & Aw approah to brooedi4

gund studies. We believe that onoe this new m  roah is demonstrated, it 
will be -used an developed by other aencies. Ne hope to end up with an 
uthoitative aonograph on the eoology and. aneiusnt of the local brooing 
specs, or at least of the dvn duck. Inci4detally, the Delta wok will 
train a limited maber of yz   mes as experts in this fiol&. 
     In orde. to make sure that the Delta veature ties in with the Cwze4ianst

I recently a*ed Rto   Lloyd to s.*e with Dr. Piwnie ad Prof. Leopold as 
an advisor to the Delta project. He was unable to accept, bt I hope to got

some othe Caadian to srve i his steed. We will sutmit to yo   every year

a budet and a pra     for the oncomin year. The progam for this field 
season has alreay been seat you. 
     The Institute appreiates the privilege of usin your property for this

research veatro, ad we likise appresiate yoear finanial coopeation. 
                                  Tears esinerely, 
Presieant, Anoelaa ildlife Institute