Oct. 10, 1932 
Major A. Willis Robertson 
Couiission of Game & Inland Fisheries 
Lexington. Virginia 
Dear Major Robertson: 
             I am glad to have your comments on the proposed 
suggestions for the Policy Committee mseeting, and I note with 
satisfaction that you may join the conservation forces in 
             Is the Virginia Department and its program now 
organized to your satisfaction? If not, is there any Tossible 
need for my services in formulating and organizing a program? 
I have hung out my shingle for consulting work of this kind. 
             I have just returned from Iowa, there I vas doing 
a job of this sort, and I am sending you one of the results 
in the form of a handbook for farmers telling them wat to do 
to their lands to make them produce game. If Virginia might 
be interested in a handbook of this sort, I would be interested 
in the job of assisting the present forces to compile it. 
             With best regards, 
                               Tours sincerely, 
                                        ALDO L10:POLD 