4124 University ?arm Plsoc 
                                             mar 25, 9~o 
Mr. James F. 'Bell 
200 _amber of Gommroo 
Minmeapolis, Minnesota 
Dear Mr. Belle 
          Shas occurre   to me since writing you that you might 
van  to add to the "objectives' in the agreeents 
               "'To wor toward an iatiato authoritative 
          son the ecolog          an managemant of the 
          oanvasbac. 0 
          This objective wS    mind but you might prefer it to 
be epeifially state. If so. by all aeanas ad it. 
          Tere are other specifie tite we have In mind, but not 
In the paper as it stands. For examle; 
               T  exlore the breeding bysioog2 y of the 104al 
          ol to develop oriteria of sex and ae both 
          i    -ternal and extermal; to produce a aaa  on the 
          plum.ges sand nwults of ducks." 
          I did nt pt these In beams* thqV vere upon *progrs' 
rather than "objectives", out if for w reason you mid rathe 
ave them in. by al meas use them 
                                Tours sincerely, 
                                    Aldo Leopold 
                            Prof essor of Wildlife Mmngment 
cc Hochbaum