Indi:na Univcrsity 
Bloo-mington, In,,lrma 
Dear Dr. Pn.yne: 
          Refcrrin? to your, letter concernr t:; $t1 e~tion of 
C. C. "mIrns "bot the c    <  iv of the ý i- d Life Go::~itteo,

I nm a..r'.... t'e matter h gas £one tzo frr to m:rke m-ty chnc-e.,
!uestion       - to be fn e:xtraor,1n:irily t.omy one. I h>vc hnd 
entu~i~ ;tio .lottEr:Is about !Mr. LL.opoid froia ombers zf the com- 
r2ittec -r, othero, Lut tho;e arc conter-b~lrcer bY thIe views of 
Drs. Ad:zs ard Antiony. T.hey s  tc - ie  far that ýunder Lco7old
whole 'iild Life pro<1r.-m vill be t'-ned over -o the sport.1_q, 
Thdiý3 i3 not the vc;F hooiover, of Dr.  i.i , nor i    it bc-ae 
out by the :iort of the Pros!ýicntt Cu'jctoe on Wild Life restor-

ationo If mcber of the Wild Lifýe Co-itee -ino fear over- 
omhansis on 7J20 haid been act've '11 -   of the conmittne I 
noialdI ee   dinturbed thin I am    t ho diffrence of opinion, 
Iio7eVer, the only *in o51 1v4[-I      . n 1 h1 commit k, c- e 
fron Leopoldo I thn2nk on the wioIe - he nomination :houid strazd, 
* ed ,ave so written Dr. Aden, and D x. kitiony  I am veery .1c to 
say that neither one has said n_ything about retiring from the 
commi ttee, 
          Thanking you for your .uyction nd w-tilt best widaes, 
                              Sincerely yours, 
                              Ivoy F. Le.ifn,    onVire. 
                              Division of 2iolc [; ancd L[%ric'dture. 
IFh :z 
:,-.Ist I-3, 193-1.