2-7I. P, G.-De-ember T. 1933 
diffilty in adopting %peeificutions for a pem-&&rnsnt refuge -:stem

at this time arises fro) our lack of informtion abut deer, 
the extent to whinh various ranges .seet their re.itrments. 7now- 
ledge of deer r  ement is  n  years bhind kanowlege of f 
e species.    I strongly urge your detpartent  the forest service 
to iamirate a deer ituly so as to hAsten the day -hen we may 
proceed n quesgtions lilce this with as much certainty as we can now 
proceel with stiilr waterial for pail an' pheasants. The 
Univerlity roIld, of course, be more tha  glaA to cooperate in 
ue a itu"y. Michigan has covered part of the 4ronund and their 
reults would be uale here, bxit no other state haj rad* any 
serilos attipt to aly aageent princiIes to leer range. 
I  s ening a copy of this letter 4irect to lell Wales of the 
forest service. 
                                Yours sicaerely, 
                                ALI)O Ia)PeLD