 1 securing coordinated management of interdependent publicly 
 2  and privately owned forests. 
 3      SEC. 2. That in order to effectuate such policy and pur- 
 4  pose of the Secretary of Agriculture (hereinafter referred to 
 5  as the Secretary) is hereby authorized, subject to the con- 
 6  currence and approval of the National Forest Reservation 
 7  Commission created by section 4 of the Act approved March 
 8   1, 1911 (U. S. C., title 16, sec. 513), to purchase, and 
 9  thereafter to administer as national forests, except as provided 
 10 in section 3, hereof, not to exceed one million five hundred 
 11 thousand acres of forested hemlock hardwood type lands in 
12  the northerly parts of the States of Michigan and Wisconsin: 
13  Provided, That forested hemlock hardwood types lands, as 
14  designated herein, are defined to include virgin timber lands; 
15  selectively logged lands; lands subject to the prior or subse- 
16  quent removal by the vendors, successors, or assigns of a part 
17   of the original stand of timber; lands supporting a well- 
18  advanced second growth of desirable species and volume; and 
19  lands deforested or of other types constituting minor parts of 
20  areas predominantly forested and of the hemlock hardwood 
21  type. 
22       SEC. 3. That if the Secretary shall find that certain 
23   of the lands purchased under this Act are so situated in 
24  relation to permanently established and administered State 
25  forests that they could most effectively and economically