Articl 2, Moio    m - b. -e, 4 
      %=Iaeflba UomeiWoo   Dr. Leopold for Vlo 1*&twe4mt 
                           Mr. Broomn 
                           Mr. xMNshal 
                           Dr. O~gith for Treasrer 
                           Itv   movd by Mr. Areae tha abers!-p by 
m1*kt..e be eo~pto    noved the be 4intso. so ordred.~ 
      In ftllU4 v.esna on Couni, Mi,. Jbbe N, 814nar was 4sotd.4 
      It v~ w w  by HrM. 9*00r *.lwftrs of Qqunalt be *rr~.4 alh, 
botise..1y wAd be o1.betod o torm. of ov, tw and thro y.*.. 3o or,4.rd. 
      hose2*tle 'by Mr. (so* $!ýOt OPP04a8) 
      It im mv   by Dr. Leopol and sooond by, or. Gi~W   thal. th  od'416rn*.

    socetyloos wthfvo on oopra~tio     dtb other grup      to fm & @.agouwaflom

                                    fespeetVuly usabmttod 
                                         LarttBS Collier