*I W. P~AIWATO.1, 33 
         You No. T is a now se an as, wt uness Dr. Kasd 
has somethig ve  sik      it m  t be wal to make It a44iaussioa 
as        K         Stoddad. 
         I wold ad   bdts as Anbs. Weeads W&tio   to Oontwe1 
?nabimu,4 Walter?-. Taylr, Univesisty of Texa. 
         I wou4    1h4st an the Jt SliPs In yo* Rear&?4 . 
         I woul a   A  la for the fs  ter Swma b Josp Dix 
or soeoe else In the Xatinsl Par Sorvwl       I ann ut v     thewre Is 
a   pa, bat I think it wud be a healthy thin     for the lirwsoo&- 
earned with rare seoies to roalso "&al th0 onfwe          iets th
plean for sd secies a. ar in their perti#21s   muto#~. 
         I woul a44 *A ?1* for the Saftl  ramei the Lake 81atigo 
byrankliun S. Uwdi, Rbsttiwt A       stton, 3    West 6*m St., 
Madison. In this a&* qin there iso -     p   nItie pa  but th. a 
of    m    in fte is the ~    broin ros of tral lseonsuI 
    xorkoa Mchganan norther Muinta provies a beautiful opportuai 
to porpem ta    broin *n*.     O  the other haM, the states ip I 
wil  eventually administe  the" p         areas as yt take iitts or

so Iteaeot. It woul be a hea~lthy thing for ths Coatnfrns to show &A

Iinerest. Al the present time, fer Instans, sertainsonl~es ar 
threatenin to buil a road rigt thrug     the parchas ares In VIsooesuin 
         I woul convert No. I Iato the following tom  01at     the 
Next $te.p in WaterowlfeeUsting Stdesl?4   ).mott, bIrrntoa. Lincoln. 
Lloyd. Isyer, frlret. (This nigt *eve       and 6.) 
         I woul drop No. I as havingnom sta. ff, aMd I woul veuify 
3 aMd 4 a. to mw stuff bwfte regadin thm as separate Items. 
         I woul add *ft Valley 4wI1 S~tudyb    Low~ell Supto, Jr., 
 Unversity of Qa1I*Ia&. I thin Dr. mraolwudgitss that he got* 
 to the Qefooatw it he Is calle upo  to r~.rt, or yo migt prefer 
 to handle this troug lUs Comission, whic published his rwowt, 
         I woul add fthe 4WI Iwrration of 19340 byArtbr S. Rw~as. 
  Uniersty f Wimmast. Ths will ot nag ever 10 umites. The remuls 
mar inetomiito, but emns ozowdIng       Interesting mmuestions mo 
         I would ooavult No. 3 into the fol1wingi *&a a"rte    NO*

Slops In Clottotail Studios?"  KIaks, Tramj     Trippeneo end possei~

Hendrickson  I &mbt *hthor Trippease has  ~thln aewo and I    v 
Jan- 8. 1936