Spectmsa neede for olasa usm 
    2 Prairie Chiken  =I*e and fwasl 
    2 guxptaij, male and fmal* 
      (Bbvhit. 4aat1, both sexe) 
      (Spwsuee Ron-trado w1~th Do on in Can~a?) 
      1 R.(tall ffa* 
    1 Horne Owl 
    1 sparrow ha*k 
    1 Shrtear Owl 
    1 Bcoeah Owl 
    1 b4*ahougder Ha* 
      fSDV   OWl) 
    2 Kw*o hawk, ms1* and fanal 
    1 Jadkanlps 
    2 1001da     1 Male WA on1 
    2 Pintail1, male and female 
    1 snwso 
    1 Jadkrabblt 
    I Weasel 
    1 SCM 
    1 Gophe