April 9, 1946 
Mr. F. S.-Lodge 
Technical Asistant 
The Nationral Fertilizer Association 
616 Investment Building 
Washingtcn 5, D. C. 
My dear Lodge: 
             Thank you very puch fcr your letter of April 8. 
I quite agree with you as to all of the items you have raised 
concerning control of airplanes. I had, in .act, thought that 
such matters wocld be provided for,%by Ly mem~randiu.  Evident- 
ly more specification of detail is called for and I will certainly 
,See to it that there can be no misunderstanding concerning matters 
which you have set down. 
                               Very truly rous, 
                               Robert F. Griggs, Chiirnan 
                    -hDivision of Bioldgy and Agriculture 