al program. The enormous and powerful existing machinery for agricultural
tension, for instance, has so far not been employed. This includes not only

the agricultural high schools and the County Agent system, but also the Farm

Press, These agencies, being already geared up to the agricultural colleges,
effectively disseminate the facts discovered by the colleges through the
posed game research fellowships. 
           The sporting magazines and sportsmen's associations are the natural

agencies for undertaking the education of the sportsmen themselves. They
particularly serve to break down the fallacy of free shooting of Class I
and II 
game on private farm lands, a task which they so far have been reluctant
           (e) Oraniza-t"n ot. ConservatlQn Depaxrtent. Creating a profession

of game management, developing a tecnnique for its use, and developing public

backing and national leadership for its efforts are all of little avail unless

the several states so organize their conservation departments as to make
capable of using such facilities. The minimum requirements of a properly
ized state conservation department are believed to be: 
     (1) Sufficient freedom from political overturns and high enough salaries

          to compete with federal bureaus and universities for the services
          the ablest technically trained executives and research experts.

     (2) Sufficient freedom from political influence to entrust the department

          with full power to lay down its own policies and full regulatory
          in matters of minor legislation, land-buying, operation of landed
          erties, and other acts necessary to -ut those policies into effect.

     (3) Sufficient freedom from political overturns to allow of following
          given policy through at least a decade. 
     (4) Close coordination between game, forestry, and agriculture in research

          administrative, and educational work. 