UPOs motion duly maes*eno .a tad tmaxiously earri, it we* 
          RIO~    that the ratolaitem on the Issuane ot ~e**e 
          adpe at thes seetIze of the Trutees hold on Dee~ft.r 1,,, 194 
          be ~eam ds aseto rea as followag 
          RMMVID that @11 check heretofre isasd eaý:Anvt the aacQ,,,t

          of the Trustees witl the Nov Yoi Trust Company ands4 4 f,.4 by

          two of the five Trusees and which have b em paid by the New 
          Yor Trust Compay be #ad are hereb apprve and ratified. 
     So It fute 
          RYMX that that part of the resolutionadopted at the *in&~~

          of the ?etas. hold an Decamer 1S, IW     *1c requirs the 
          -proa  In writing of Uh. T~Atee  for the lamae, of soy 
          *bdeIso belnmd.4 Po that V4 *e** sa be Issue by any two 
          of the five Trustoo si~pin sthchcs 
     The, Manage tho eporte a s t resuelt of the nall ballot east 
 to the buetaseoo of the Vildomege PuE on eoober 58, 194   At&  reslted

 1i grating $As630, to The Wilwaeres boeloe   to assist It durng 1947 
 in its w*r fwr the pxlas Ieof wUldens conitions in outdoor 
 Anrs    Re, also reore as the mail ballot or zenue7 21, 1947 ve 
 r*rlteE in aee~otin the pr~nl of the Now York Trut Company that 
 It mae a flt wa1 chrg of S=* fer oustodlonsorvioe to the 
 WIl~resea P~n; and that It Ghan %b aeoot of the WiUemres. Fud 
 womu   farte foe lnuatm of o~att   g an annual bill to the 
Wildaeftss 7od for Its foo 
    Up". motisa fty A06e, a...odgE mad imatiuy     carriod it was 