IA.-Conferenc es 
                                                December 19, 1946 
Mr. Levi Mohler, 
     Game, Forestation and Parks Commission, 
          Lincoln 9, Nebraska 
Dear Levi: 
     Some time ago I had occasion to discuss with Dr. George Aimnann 
the question of a field conference on grouse (all species). At the 
time I agreed thoroughly with Amnann that there is so much to be said 
on the prairie chicken that we might better confine our conference to 
that particular species. On further thou ht, I am frankly scared to 
try to have too many of these field coaferences. I think we had better 
take a chance on all the grouse andmaybe make the conference a little 
longer than be criticized and possibly barred from having further con- 
ferences on other game species. Accordingly, can e agree on having 
a field discussion and meeting on all grouse? That's the first question.

     Since Ammann is doing some experimental work with prairie chicken 
at or near Higgins Lake, Michigan, I felt that that would be a swell 
place to have the meeting some time in early spring. (I think April 
is the time that Ammann suggested). Attention has been called to the 
fact that since Michigan is on the eastern edge of the chicken and 
sharptail range, we might give consideration to a more centrally lo- 
cated olene for the meeting. This would be question 2 and after giving 
it proper thought, I would appreciate it if you would let me have your 
reactions. Please keep in mind that Jim Kimball, Roy Bach and yourself 
or alternates will have quite a bit of travel to reach Higgins Lake. 
At the same time, each of these men would only be required to get as 
far as Minneapolis where travel from there on could be in a Federal 
government car. 
     You can readily recognize the way my thinking is going, which 
is simply the fear of arousing too much antagonism by your respective 
Directors in getting too much out-of-state travel approval and we cer- 
tainly do notrmwant to kill our chances of developing these field meetings.

     In summary, please consider what the meeting shouldembrace (just 
chickens or a larger group), and secondly, the time and place. The 
latter is necessary in order that the Michigan men can make proper 
arrangements through their educational Division which operates the 
Higgins Lake Game School. 
                                   Very truly yours, 
                                   Walter A. Gresh 
                                   Federal Aid Inspector 
cc: Bill Barnes, Dr.George Ammann, Dr. D. W. Douglass, Joe Davidson, 
    Ed. Carlson, Roy N. Rach, Jim Kimball.