Research Division 
                                                   Division Program 
                                                   January 20, 1947    -16-

X. A Review and Analysis of the urgency of applied Conservation, 
    and definition of the present status of related activities# 
             The trends of production of Natural Products and of 
       Population Variation have been determined; their relation- 
       ship to each other has been expressed on a per capita basis 
       and compared with established minimum adequate requirements. 
       The World's productive areas have been analyzed in a similar 
       manner, and the productive land per capita defined as to 
       amount and trend. The activities, findings, and recommenda- 
       tions of existing organizations have been ascertained. 
             We are now in possession of those facts which define 
       the present state of the Natural Emergency and point in 
       unmistakable terms to its future trends, as well as high- 
       lighting its most dangerous and imminent aspects. 
             The Institute is now in a position to plan its long 
       range program in the most effective manner, since it has 
       adequate knowledge of past history, present conditions, 
       causes, and activitiest future needs and trends, and the 
       relative urgency of Conservation's objectives. 
             This concludes the Initial Objective of the Research 
       Division. Its future program will involve the continuation 
       of all the above described fact finding activities, the