Qrof, fl.U.C 
w     ioh it cites  ith   1azet  natlrhal fort ld arýe, both rtwvd

-'On tie pubili !,x-nin .,nd ae~luind by purch an, a-re co.:rret. Vo like*

is e are the Otet~te   f For4et :Orvi@e aitc-iictritive eotaio, at 
least as to tine of Ocurmvoe m      rd  vl soope.  -ne   mt merlting 
     nt in p~sr~t   referenes on p    to tho etabl1      of tie 
booes f P --llerns or              rron area s-of June 1?, 1937. The 
Initial sateit tate tthou V)erheIs nýj   q~uitte ao dtntOccurred 
eveyrkrs earlier t       h the app tbe by the &;wetcrt of Ati- 
cul   *r of a     ut pla which ontmplate3 the  en      in a 
votil, 1a s!oonrdit io ')n o f nn arn r, of mlo~ t)O, )O ncreY or mr, 
         an it c     m the cntruction or 1nerpret,-ion of faets, 
otives or practical cone*   oe, a wide field for deat ps-ents 
Itself.    cours~e the e3sbington oIfýCice ir 1in ow, respect htndcnpped

by its ri      dotch   t f- the arna znd evo    ent  der disu- 
   ion,,  necessarily ,rrk on -;Jvt a lawyear 'ol  .1-  'hearasr' 
v 11,     1evvea itc contact wi      tht situation -ould Incline 
At to rreachl uo c oncluimons whichl dMiffer from yours W-ith respect to

the     situti    or factual findins, Perhaps such a result woul4 
       'l   str atemamt mus it perfec'"uy evident thrt its purpose is

to nemutraJi.ze certý,in ropresentptions nmade0. by the netlco-ýuparior

Comoiil or particulrly by the -4re tery thereof. _4xme those repre- 
  se~tiozxs pictured one extrorm, you, finid it niece:csary to pL4tur toe

othoe. Concurrence In or endo       t of either ixtrerno by t he ?@t 
or-Ace tqov.d bo difficult, 
       In rmay respects It V, ro-rettablei thazt this satire subjeot, 
" arify-villifY" '               set bfet ha dl t ed. to mergs

on the subject partizan rther than         nally alnlytical,  'here 
haive bennsm  benefits from an emtianal app-.roach to certain aspects 
of the problem, as for e i  the hipstead-1olan Act of 13, but 
        rall  spakig acrsbr nd more dispamnzionnto anialysis of all 
factors mgh have. resultad in a greaýter dogr eý f a ttnixwient,
of desire- 
able objectives tL actnally has occurvred, 
        ~ine eas     11 ill nk anI I, und r the aupices of the 
   Obnelaner rusit, vifited th,- aza'rin  aksreg-ion In ..ýAntYuaa
vwas iýme,ýdt! ~oly imressk~ed  by Uie mriny respects In which
that reg ion 
resemb~led the northlern Linwmsote ce region endA I 4ond redA nt the 
t -n whbether an e(ual degree of Industrial utilization "nd of balanced

scenic Lr aestheatic charm und of conisecqwx.Ato  unity supp,.ort anid 
netionnl sinificee iouldlot bo pr ieable of aocmnpl         ant ix the 
nocrthern 'Innisota e regon   nern     balawed3 and oconoueiicey 
sound, p~ils of mmgent                     S~   me ao st why that should

not be the'cse oxcopt the as yet wisolved conflict of interest, partly 
Jýurivdi tionul adparUrt  prof it-seekine which e zists bets ýen
varilou public and private 4gencies wdch are coceed. 
       .f course Ireý lize the 4i~ee~sIn economnic conditions be-

tw-en a region mzbjet to fmot intenive utilizition of e ver product 
of the forest tnd a ren.on where many proidts of the forest have only