Pherwo4 Plantat-on, 
                       thomWvill   Ga. 
                       May 5, 1937 
,.Joura of WLIdioMaeet 
              Yo'3ur ilottor of ikqay lat  a beani, anid an  s-d
ratier in 
        haste, r.I jioe t   leavo fo-r a %WSI~k  flold -wor". Lz  tb
Oanrollna toniorrow. 
               Iu htw-, ,onu ovor your "!amimounGO3it         t'0to
           pefe ol w-t xth  a ot lin of one rar               or -:ousiy
        requiresa nr)i~ficai Io to uvo-ld Aisunado no'    ' *a        I 
        c ~d pýuttlng Lin In uapibala -'x saageot, 
                   -, 'aei)sv   f all t   of iU4        Lgemot ulo- sound

          ,~bio~oil in."wLii lnovltably         *ie     trision of s~om
of tie activities 
        Utba  aeln    booin a I-Art of meari     Polioy toaard wildl-Ife.
        Point. !aaIo lotng          U     as no.     n vemina,;antri nnore
.ar to 
        the', nee-3d ,and ox~acjl.t±  ft4~       eon- ci- a, as raated
to the 
        en, iruonntal coa,4ox  k, IZ 1-.(j   nnt does not hdd*the sac rifice

        of any sjieoies for th  *txnft of" *th     TU~ GI,  WJ~Y #1Al4
,ft       141U~ 
        Sor C W~TL t '"13 41-11l PJAn}!    ","'I0  '3131~
 cbA        It consIa4. LARG,'JY 
SK      of enrlolhment of pivr     rso tlhazt   are ~aiii be micimum production
of the 
                   entie w 4P-&tA..1ox Od      mangedareas.    Wldlito
unagemet in 
        notrestr.          0i U                                    LQ ;;LD
A,; AN 
60escogy          cilivert.     and their Iwiý wzi anlxx aaaoeistes.
        wildlif  Lat;uwrn        aound biolugloai -Unos is ii.ý1 part
of iaie granter 
           movmen   09 rao rie~ of our intire fauna. 
                 My r         estlMa thee. ohanpoa ar many, and I wl.Ll look
        to our f-iold trwj toigater (whkilh I hop. vary ;ý=eh viU
muter~ici) fo)r a 
        disoussiop of thoe and various wildlife un  game  agiw     tendwhcI

        see  to owes. reocantly. I have a very ro.'4 fear that havhag long
gone to one 
        eztrin In so-sallad -vri oontroi',wem are now htaeed for tho opposite

        extrempfoliowiaag the genral America* teademqy of niyvtr follaming
ai nodorato or 
        middle ground. ;,4 golo fielid exporlanc. indicates that cartaln
        now being foliowd relat~ng to predation are unound, aund that in.
will y 
        then unsound from any practicsal etnudpoiart. Z:f the wIldlife roaogat

        movemet doas not rea*piAe this WM have a ca, our         rguanirtion
will soon be 
        ragprdad bI a ymh nor ip*.rful group as a bunceh of long haired theorlsts
        the result wlill be a widr rift twAt ever in the conservation field.

             I v=a mlobslng another letter relating to the brush cutter we
have so -Long 
        4 lscuesed. 