WASHINGTON. D. C. 
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re~toation "~nd ci     of ...      -.                . 
X ,   T-h2.<-,in-.. fo: "the rvst .f whU.U on thi  j]om-.. 
  nsyt v'rh b       .i :n'~   diseiiz the ssz- 
# of "'±c .. 'O:!tee on i~'Ud Life In oth 
tc3riled wiin the o' uestion, I  .. 
to-     T li inay rc-ýort cn the general fea.tue of 
the rroýoped pro-     ih 4          *,und2tdi'g that consid 
eration of dzt-Als shoh7uld be the cubject of a Eose 
thoYrough inv:estigaion before final ctteent i3 n.. 
       A caer.fully  ced out ,.r    sLooking to'iald 
such d&iffeent it ion in lenad use as .culd rerit rC- 
8to7 0 ion of a eaz r  3 ir2.1y uneI1 an hL titc% fo:o 
g    b,, ; bird- would hwm., -e=i vzal.  fo, the coun 
r -fhola.2 rtiteat to ,zhich  oo's to rtore g'± :v<& i