Al0o Leopold 
                       Madison Wisconsin 
                                   August 29, 1943 
Dear Albert, 
I like your "War and Waterfowl" very much, oarticularly 
the first rart. I think you have hit exactly the right 
note. The latter nart lolys out a little bit. Taking 
ther article as a whole, I am not at all surorised that 
Wilson Bulletin grabbed it. 
Incidentally, I am enclosing a clioning from the last 
Haiper's aagazine, "Don't waste the game crop!". Please 
return at your convenience. 
I am oleAsed that you sent me Margnret Nice's letter. 
She had been enthusing to Joe Hickey about your letter, 
and I am much pleased thnvt your findinrs annenl to her. 
I return the letter and also the article herewith. 
If you tet renrints of the article, be sure to save me 
half a dozen. 
Pob does not intend to do anythln but incidentel ob- 
servation on the Arboretum mallards, at least at oresent. 
Alice and I both got a chuckle out of the clipuing 
you sent, but I an intimidated by your suggestion that 
I write a manual for pre-paration of scientific nvaers. 
That I fear would be beyond my powers. I know, at least 
sometimes, when something is done wrong, but th )t is a 
different matter from writing a prescription for doing 
it right. 
Starker is here writing up his thesis, together with his 
son Fritz, and that makes me anorecirtive of what you 
say about young Albert. 
Is Lyle's raner going to make the bulletin? 
                                 Yours as ever, 