Farm Security Administration 
                                                               IN REPLY REFER
                     Black River Falls, Wisconsin 
                           November 27, 1937 
Professor Aldo Leopold 
Extension Division 
University of Wisconsin 
Dear Mr. Leopoldt 
I am enclosing a questionnaire in regard to the construction and clear- 
ance work on flowages, and whether or not it is advisable to out off the

timber growth which will be flooded in these areas after stop logs are 
put into place. 
This has been a very debatable question and so many varied opinions have

been rendered, and I am writing you for this information, as I know from

your experience along these lines that an opinion rendered by you would 
be appreciated by the writer and also Mr. Sohunke. 
As you know, we have spent many thousands of dollars in creating these 
flowages on the Central Wisconsin Game Projects, and we are interested 
in getting the best results not only from a wildlife standpoint but also

from a future revenue standpoint, and we are very much interested in 
building up these flowages to that point in the shortest possible time. 
Any other information which you can give me in regard to this matter will

certainly be appreciated. 
With kindest personal regards, I am 
                                    Sincerely yours, 
                                    Silas J. Knudsen 
SJK :MSH                            Project Manager