Delta Duck Station 
                                         Delta, Manitoba 
                                         July Ip, 1942 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
Professor of Wildlife Ypnqgement 
424 inivý7rsity Farm Plavy 
Madison, Wisconsin 
Deer A.L.: 
      The canvasback paper breaks too abrubtly into the discussion of 
the Delta Marsh. To soften this I have writ+pn this brief iorpfacp. 
Whether it should be called e"Prologue" or not I 5o not know,,xcKPt

you referred to the lst thought as en epilogue. Perhb-ps is should not 
be included at all. Will you look it over. 
       I was able to scrape to'ether a complete copy of the next to the 
last edition of the ms and heve sent it on to hpber. I will have 
photostate of the black and w"hites as coon as I receive them fom 
the U. of Minn. Press. 
       I have completed the final draft of the t~rritorv nnd n-sting 
chapter end Till send it down to be typed. When that is done I have mm 
engaged the services of tiim a Ptenographer to type m up the full paper,

two originals and four good carbons which will give up the chance to 
distribute it to the Board all at the same time instead of having 
to pass copies around. 
       Both Dewey Soper and J.A. Munro have been mor- or less looking 
over my shoulder all alonw, and,as this is in their official 
territory, I rm rondering if it would not b'ý proper to let them 
look over the iranuscript before it is published. It might be the 
the difference brtwpn cooperation and a tfisted nose. 
                             Yours sincerely,