ft 9Ittiotu a g4wra omre in busixwe Advinitvatleas wso to. ofvb 
tOSh Mattais hantioatr as %n ftdaits~trlva 9"ttlw if, his 0" d

*Oeat at ve11 as ea assistat to his snearwo officer 
      Lwosepamn fn    e  sbaotalpotn ofkth pn* natkUst lip is 
  reUt, part of the fou majo   0stiewttl.  *~   doser wbod in this p~wo 
ww v~ls of UvA. Oar pftrks xdaawmants are *"lo          oe 'ln ntolh"f

Us, hh~ost ne of Y&Uw, The aft itios of 1Ana to pka*reas &ad tho
  )&~speuets *1*& A" wIthin the scpe of regala xatuwmlist wa*
or to 
*ha* the mnatur st, becase at his broa tO~Ais41 tr*5AA#mowttlt 
    The n~ar&Ust esnt plan U~s Imterprtitve pror  Pad =so= 
u~assitating We cooperatio  of ongwer   o  lanese W     ~tstets. 
    Is so" park* eewta aweas axe 41stinapimed for ree*~f AN     $a 
 was   thoy mou4 'be inmeu.4d 1z the park naftrai4$te rVearo* V~rw 
       TheoostActono ra! ses trails, pave Ume and othor t  aur 
tWelveO the US* Of ASd, Za* OORaLmi~ 6eOA16 4" aIStaAfle W41*0 *thi

abox* be Proete4to. Is ths respet, the na44.ti#   us fstim as a 
  oommtaat to th abdidevative aftA sit, tho 6040uw. sad eO Vaila 
              Cour*$ rova"1r dwwi~d  W *ah  " tporantas rpatefo

the l.M"6 PLalag 84tivil~es ef a A~4.ft1it are    Afta 440"S, ewas*

researhw* fig  mr670 FOAM OWAV.M P~tOPitSMrw1A        awltlo OAM 
-um  xthods 
    Imporant to the ImtaL04A  fusettaSMe   a lSMase plasuarw" U bo