                       IZA.&K ALTOi7 LJ'A(UUE OF AMv "LICA 
                              Hotel La"Jalle 
                           Chicago 2, Illinois 
                     AN URGMIT APP..].L FOR !ILDhLP'1SS! 
    As a Y7altonian you are doubtless familiar with the longtime objective
the League in the Quetico-Suierior, which includes protection and admini-

stration of the heart of the forest along the Border Lakes, known as the

Roadless i.rea$ as a wilde-rness canoo country without roads, cottages, resorts

or other works of man. So we will not review that, bat get right down to
meat of the present emergency. 
    Within the Roodless Area there remains approximately 15%, or about 
145,000 acres, still in private ownership. The war stopped federal acquisition

of forest, land, as well as negotiations for a treaty with Canada to accord
Shipstead-Nolan area on this side, and a larger area on the Ontario side,
permanent protection of treaty administration. The war also brought about

a tremjendous development of the airplane. These factors aed up to a crisis

for the wilderness canoe country as soon as the war is over -- or even this

surrier -- and they will spell disaster through establishmrent of airplane
sorts in the Roedless inrea unless .e, w ho appreciete the great value of
last remaining wilderness canoe.country, take prompt and vigorous action.

    We are making this appeal nationally throughout the League because this

unique area is of national importance and it needs the help of all.  If you

live on the Vfest Coast or the East Coast, the whole thing may seem at first

to be very remote and unimportant to you, but it is only by the support and

cooperation of all VYaltonians, wherever they may live, that such important

things can be accomplished. Next time our nationwide appeal may be for 
something in your back yardl 
    Legislation is being drafted for purchase of those specific lands to
tect the wilderness values, and to permit condemnation of interior properties

that attempt to capitalize on the large federal holdings surrounding them.

When this bill is introduced we will appeal for all-out support from all
servationists all oier the country. But in the meantime emergency action
urfgently needed. Speculators are even now,, scouting about for strategic
locations in the heart of th-se lar('e federal holdings, and a matter of
ray mean the difference between success and failure. 
    In the Endowment and Special Fund folder sent you early this year, the

establishrment of the Revolving Land Purchase PrUnd was outlined on the back

page. To date approximately (2"2000 has been contributed to that fund,
and we 
have the pledge of another $5000 from one interested individual. But a total

of 970,000 to V80,000 is needed to buy the most vulnerable private property

al ong lake shores until the slow wheels of Government acquisition get moving