106 Wildlife Conservation Bldg. 
                                   Unizvorsit of isisouri 
                                   Columbia, MKo, September 26, 1936v 
Mr. W. L. McAtee,  ditor 
Journal of Wildlife Minagemant 
c/o Pureau of liological Survey 
Washinjton, D. C. 
Dear Mr. ?LAtee a- 
     A letter reoeived from Dr. Allen the other day leads m to 
tell you of his suggestion that the statemet of profeasional' 
standards ,whih the Soaiety suggested as one of the taks of 
Comittee on Professional 3tandars,, 6     be sent to you 0 betor. 
many months.   Dr, Allen suest that it be praented first bo0 th 
Sooiety at the next annual meeting and that, if approved, it be 
published in the next following issue of the Journal. 
     It is the       ate ooncern of a subcoiitt ee o=osed of 
Leopold (as chir4uan), Walter 7aylor, 3toddard, and Ralph Kiri, 
but the subcormittee has also been assistd by the full Oomitteq, 
Leopold prepared a rough draft on lsy 24, which was sent by me to 
the fu1l Co, ttee on June      sne then thore have been two Mre 
drafts, and there will doubtless be another one before the stateo 
sent finally agreed upon is sent to you. 
     This letter is only to tell you that this rmterial 1i "on eth 
way.s   Th  entire Committee feels that this will constitute a ý 
rather important contribution to the whole question of standard& 
and for that reason we are trying to give it the most thorough 
consideration pos sible. 
                                       Sincerely yours, 
                                     Rudolf Bennitt, Cairman 
                              0o   ttee on Professional Standards