3. That a staff of officers be elected as follows: President, First Vice-

     president, Second Vice-president, and Secretary-Treasu.er. 
 4. That these officers be elected from among the younger members of the

     group, actively engaged in wildlife management or research, and that

     no election be made for strictly honorary reasons# 
 5. That the elected officers together with 13 regional representatives 
     appointed by the President from the same regions adopted by the General

     Wildlife Federation constitute an Advisory Board which during the coming

     year shall consider such questions as the permanent name of the Society,

     qualifications for membership, classes of members, dues, and constitu-

     tion and.by-laws. The Advisory Board shall canvas the entire country

     for prospective members and secure as many first year affiliates as

     possible. It shall consider also the feasibility of publishing a 
     professional journal. The Advisory Board shall report on all these 
     matters at the next annual meeting of the Society. 
 6. That a fee of One Dollar be collected from each affiliate during the

     first year to defray expenses of the Advisory Board and Officers. 
     Affiliates will be informed from time to time of the progress of 
     activities of the Board and will be supplied in mimegraphed form 
     with information on the latest developments in the field of wildlife

 7. That the Secretary-Treasurer be authorized to collect the fees of 
     Affiliates and with the approval of the President to expend the funds

     necessary for the current expenses of the Officers and Advisory Board

     in conducting the business of the Society of Wildlife Specialists. 
     Recommendation 1 was discussed by W. P. Taylor, E. G. Holt, Frank C.

Edminster, Gardiner Bump, T. H. Prison, and Re W. Eschineyer, amended by
of the last 6 words given, and adopted as amended, on motion of Holt seconded
Phillip F. Allan. 
     Recommendation 2 was adopted on motion of.I. T. Bode seconded by Holt.

     Recommendatiom 3 was discussed by Miles D. Pirnie and the Ohairmnn and

adopted on motion by Herbert L. Stoddard. 
     Recommendation 4, the Chairman announced in view of the preceding di
cussion, did not seem to require a vote. 
     Recommendation 5 was moved by Lawrence Z. Hicks and seconded by Allan.

It was amended on suggestion of J. E. Shillinger, and with the consent of
movers, to provide that the number of regional representatives be 13 and
they be selected from the same regions adopted by the General Wildlife Federa.-

tion. The motion as amended was passed. 
     Recommendation 6 was discussed by Pirnie and Wh. H. Marshall and. passed

on motion by Holt seconded by Miller. 
     Recommendation 7 was discussed by Clarence Cot tam, Hicks, and Richard
May, and adopted on motion by Frank C, Edminster seconded by Gardiner Bum.
