Weet * * fteh--eiouoly left mb, to b* deeit.4, bee greatly imprved sad now
a          So~~ml dere Of etttelovey, 
     A bill reenatly odoptd by the TmprtoerleI Legislture of Hawai glve *on-

pl*e potetta* to Migratory sa. notive shore birdse for a tw-year period mad

paew. the wa for szteraite Sf the Ugreter Bird Treat  Mt to the I~lands.
Sf th~e nattie birds, ibeludtag the none or Usuaisa 4wol sand 6pesIss itutw.~oad

during 'the pos t4 Uw y. were alreay protste4d 
     A *anset~t&4.55 of the no" for proeeting the heold eagle higo
  'logialatiox  v #*&ing in both Rome** of Cogweb.   It Is to be hoped
that the 
vessr* will soon be adpt*4 to end the, toselee. elsagftt~r of thoe megifeent

and generlly tinrles birds, 14pot of all o.nIslogiest is Uwesd for bills

8.1404 and II.P.344. 
     Aos omtometion to the mayproj    ts that or* doereing V.e velus of bUrd

onviwommt,, mob wof eled at r.stoaien ts beino ecaried on ftoov         
eointry-  On* of the ageneiss -o ogsg  is the ftil @.atesvatuio $skerle,
beesuse, it hs until recently oe-Asister*4 no refuoe troea, ordinarily ressivee

lIttle sredit for bird pre~tesflbs Althaugh the prineipl* objeetive Is ooatrl

end proventimn of orelee resulting fro uees leand vsst a serps of traiaed
giats Is emloevd to atemlish wildlife habitet ta-prveinet man rematructiea

thm*ug the ase of emet.. control pisAtIags Ospeelally ehasmn for their feed
ovew va~luo. ~Th   is vok  o  aried on in 834 di~ffert areas in 4? States
io eolee 
eseperatles Aith eppmzimotoly ?2P,0 fawrzr ad raceo      While It"e
ths  the planting of trees, shrubs, rSmseo sad lsgumor, the sfetioasl wor
the Frrioe in briaging shout betto approeealfats of wildlife on the part
of tMese 
  v eocotrol the land may in Vielea  m u, *aunt *von %aeoai bird protection
setual ysjiseI operatiens#