VCRN L'1U sant Nembier 1945 
                                                         rredprick S. aker

                             SUniverulty of C'lifornia 
                               O                          Terkely, Cal ifornt

                   am not worth your wastin money on; 
     Yor wosotime I have been receivtin coteu of ThX LIVIA YI       3 
     gr-ttu.  vidently somebody has hoped thtt I   a- ffertile field 
     for wiunis uary effort. But he is in error. I have rea the issues 
     with grect Intereut and agree in a laorg muasure with yoar objectives
     the koto,   River ftight for eumple. But the progr- an a whole 
     eanot ve? well avdid a certain narrow wiudod viewpoint of the elite

     in pocketbook or )hysical ntanmina. 5iomet iveu it is so natural,* naive

     and eildlife that y-u eannot hell bt fnogivp it a. in 1obert 3terling

     7aos own articlee. I eannot saubacribe to the proposition that any 
     lands of outstanding ceonie or rsor"etional vlue should be roserved

     as vildelvueses. withhold frou genprnl use for th- unlift of ouch 
     souls as can use thee. That is asking too mh. But I certainly 
     would go slow on art iftaiily %uryng up develpment, "trorovepen%

     roads where no need extsts etc. :Wicption of *wildernesses" in

     perpetuity is another notter. I thoroughly enjoy the wildernees 
     sensation too. but my Nev 1' 'land conecience tells ms it is like 
     enjoyent of n orchid. It is hardly more wonderful in form and color

     than an iris. But it'i rare. Commn folk can't have it. An, a. such,

     its a "little" viewpoint. I'm sure certein of your wildernes
     would willingly fence in the %insets if they ould and say "O  
     angel or those Pble to hire a pack string of egaees." 
     refined souls will eto- tnd reraly aPreciate t!! splendor. Tat's 
(signed') F. S. -eker