X?,lrnset G.TTolt. Chairrm, 
The Wildlife soity. 
1653 Pennslvia Ave.,.IE 
ITahlngtm, D.C. 
DeaEr,. Holt: 
                It is probably too late for Lis to be included on the 
  vroramof the cominr Wildlife metie    I am sorrytbrt It has not been 
possible for me to answer vnur letter of October 1V  onr      fI 
isn't too late for inclusion on that prora and if yu think the paper 
have in mind, a synopsis of which is   nclosed, is wrthy of suc 
Iolslon, X would like ver mch to have the opportuit7 of presentinr it. 
I realise that It in not in the natnre of a report on res~arch aM woul 
onmtain nothing new- or stnrtling, bunt I believe that It is tine we  ga

considerin such more seriously the type of training that students in 
wildlife          t are      . 
               The best wa to brin- abmt this considertion is to 
evsluats pres-nt ethodbs aM set up sormthiin for those interested to 
shoot at. I em willIn  to be the Coat. In fact, I would enjoy an 
opportunity to present V on id-as In this Alield to the Society. Pleas 
let ne know what 7ou think of the subject. 
               Nothiun the Society has done        me more than the 
arT          rde for taking cre of the program at the next neeting. You 
-nd your oorittee are to be cnongr-atuilated on the m-nr in which you ha~ve

tacdied thia job and the method you hav chnsen to fllow. I wish you 
                                           Very truly yew,, 
                                           Rnlph ? .XiV-,.1rector