we get simply on the basis of him .xperienoei!. 
         an glad you tldh    got ai chance to go over things with Lyle. 
Rest assured that this in not winter camp fever -- althoughnince both 
Pete and I had been worn to a frazel In our failure to work thingn out 
with Lyle, he might-have misinterpreted some late-tinter events to that.

I mention this, because I doubt if he is yat over his trouble, although 
on him roturn from Madison he wars iomethinr like the old fellow we umed

to know.    Lyle's main trouble Seems to be that he iS SuspiCious of 
everyone. He hav gone ri ght thorough the whole line of us,Art,11ob Srmith,

Pete etao Nlaturallv they rteor clear of him "nd it; developi Into a
cycle. Iie oofessed to tvý last sumner that he was mad at everybody
but not 
hbAlf as mid an everybody 'mia at him. This at a time when vio were all 
wearing rubber p   me gloves and softr-oled uhoes in our atteripm to 
treat him -ith our best rrade A wionnirs. Tho mere auirgestion on my 
part in takien an x direct orders( ' have leaned over bnckwardm to gI= 
protect him from the Inetituterd "ard, br anyone who would irritate
have convidered Statements for days. before venturing them; yet he told 
my last nrnth that all four year in the Navy hMe hd not immn been under 
such ,tern di:ect"on zin thin  Dut if I fail to make sueugpytionr he
into toubleo8 fl rpo-.. "'Ur min2r, ,ed nenthlintirn attempt with hbi
dog got -ul in f!! kiinu of d.fficultlev with the nei.ghbore last rtpr1ng;

yet to mention awythinv about this in am   the most careful ranner will 
have him sulking for v7eekg. 
       1EL seenmn to be perfectly Oil now- and there has been a steady 
improvement 8inc.e you and Iio-key totzted writimr to him, nnd partlcillarly

after he 6aw he ras atheqiin, some ninformation. Rut X feel that the 
very best thing yly I  f)I'I eer -o in to taike voia un on the graduate 
requirements and get baok to living a coniunity life elbow to elbow with

people. An a matter of fact, going right from ann over-wo:.ecd uniderrad.

uate to the 'bnormal Navy regime, it occurs to met that Lyle newer has 
had a chance to work on an even ba.is with other people. 
       The Washington nituntion vith the lnst"tute 18 pretty grim. An

you will mon from the June and September comments re Bill Elder's lead 
work thon Pink carries a polioly In every pocket. 1 vas going to tnhe him

up on this point but Mr. Lel advise a -imr inst .td of vinagar policy. 
He has a pretty good 1ine on Pink. Guterimnth in tr:%yng to rmke evexlybody

happy and is running into the naturaIl difficulites of ruch a chore after

there is a chance to check beck over the records. It in rntber disarming,

ae in mry case, and they both uttnmpt to stuff a 1t of .tuff ,dorn my 
6mmu throat becaume of " i permon! interest" or to "guard
try  nvi,,le 
record" or no that I won't "      my scientiflc stfondingt. Their
to protect my scientific        n are reserved for third degree ismuers of

the high category type like tuggestions re shooting rseasons. 
       Dr. Gailrieleon, at, far'as I cmy see, is strply trying to prove that

he was the best leader the Service e-rer hod. Since he still runn the 
Service (S.rvice -personnel complain about it !tnd he d enion it), and 
rinc he runs the Institute an well, he is the.- reut Anericln Influenoe 
on Wildlife current y . Enough caid.  tis efforts are aided and nbbetted,

of courre, by the fvet that Cottam worships the very ground he wrIlks on,

This in the time in wildlife histtory where th. best trgniement _-,lem rildZ,

life policy, and it Vill Continue thatL viy uatil soi of the,   lown vith

new facts start usiný, them. Gtbrieibon' comment on some of 8    
stuff: "It just ain't so". 
       IEnough of that. -1 hone .pring is there wi th you and that your 
eye is better every day.   Ke th61: and tiLlk about you daily.