Delta ianitoba 
                                                  Aug-t ý21?,1946

Dear A.L.:- 
       Thanks for the copy of the letter to Fred re D.U. I am sure you 
have misunderstood me w agan on the subject. I never expected you to 
take ray Payso on anything. I have simply tried to keep you informed of 
what was on my mind and you will remember I wrote you as Foon as it was 
apparent soamething was badly wrong --almost two years ago. Your reaction

to some of tlhis was at times a bit rough. I realize I wrote too frankly;

you could not realize why I did without being in my shees. 
     I don't agree with the wording and manner of your criticisms of 
D.U.--that is my only reason for disappointment. I think the cln~sineas 
of D.U. ceitios I wht gives them their strength and they are tonping 
the crest again. Surelv I dont heleive the probl7m c:n be olved by 
mt    waitinr for the Wildlife Society to make Pn inve-tistion even if 
they had the r 50 o- 000 it would cost to make a complete check. It 
has got to be done from the inside by members who realize thIt D.U. 
has not only lied to the public at large but to its orgpnlzationo D.U, 
is in exactly the same position as a bank which has oreatly inflicted its

assets and has no way of maklng up for the difference. Only it's ducks 
inptead of money,which makes it a lot easieg for the two or three men who

ere keeping the books.   They are geared to throw off outpid- investigation

But if the proper rort of a check is mede from the inside things can 
be set aright providing this starts early enough. I think Art's report, 
if taken seriously by Bertley, can lead to sucnh an invest igation. 
     Our correscporencp has deteriorated Periouly Pinc- we hit this 
rubject. Art is carry-ing the ball so I have no reason to say more. The 
only reason I wrote my last letter was because you asked me to say 
comething more in yours of June 27. 
      Lyle is bulding an adcltio-n to his 0b-4o and I b-!elve planns to 
winter here.  ITe has broaden greatly , hs an exr'Pllent and zodern 
odttlook on his -ork and I em sure is oinn to turn out some really 
im prtant stu-ff. Th7 entire loc,I r    -haýn reg!on M1T"ffT
 '1thin a 
mile o- so rfdius of the Station he is srttin- up for Innive study 
for the bandlng and colormarkir of territorial pairs next spring. Much 
will come fro>m this. 
      Art and Betty are living in a cottage neirby and seem to be 
enJoying Delta. Art, however, sort of has his reectB - around his negk 
vnd it has been Peldom since his return from the grand tour that te have

seen iir out for fresh air. He is rtayin on until e'ly Cctob1  -o tho* 
h- c~n follow tho flight down. 'Rob Smith flew bank !est week.    e 
probaely '-i11 drive up Iai late in September frov Winiona. Wish you 
would reconsider and take the trip -ith him. 
      Pete just had a baby boy added to his family.  (And just between 
us, I ghther that expectation of something of the s1me h'AIds Lyle here 
fcrr the winter). Pete is koepin- up with his flying and we hope to get 
a light plane before long -- it is indispensible in waterfo-l work. 
      I was interested in your letter to English, a copy of which you