Delta rluk t,tnt on 
                                            Delt,t ý "Lnitoba

                                                Dember 6, 1940 
Ur. Aldo Lpopold 
Depptýof oidllife 1tanngeumeflt 
UniverF~ity of Viieconsiln 
Madtonl, Wirconsin 
Deer Professor Leopoldl 
       The pl""t Mr. Bell VroPOPes for thl hptcbery is a rTther

 inexpeneiveporttble p1.nt wbictri iA -nd I beliave :;r, Pill vol 1d 
 like to h'vri oil thA pl-ce to crry thp c"dittiOnfI lopd et the Lodze

 durinci the fell. The hbtcbeVy if wirpd n~rovdf Pnm tbh only -rpepwn 
 is for the mnchinh itrelf. In mny evpnt it is P rropprty i-prevfmlnt 
 thtt apsrvntly bps concerned Mr. Bell for sove time rn I o't think 
 we could cbthne hie mind. 
        I iknow he -juld likp to use winter ltp'tinl in the duclr liniipe.

 Whether thifý Is to be considered an experi!,elnt or r~Iy pd Ation4

 winter lirtltn the puirpofe is to c:rry th,' birds over the w-iter in 
 good condition. I do not balirPve ti-:t ,i tin n brinr abolt 
 premituTp reproduction with tb crnvrtebpck but we kno-! the bjrF 
 co'e, throuqgh the winter in much betttr condition tith i10bt. 
        I pointed to the rtudli of provth of yoimw becnvee r. br 
 dieu~ped this 1~t um'vernot rtth !rttiflcill liw't but -1tb co itrol>

 daylight. Artificl l liwht would. giv- ur rorp l titudf. 
        Another point re hpv- not dircutrd ocn,upntil V1r. l brou 
 the mnttpr up,it Peevmed out of rrfch. Artifini. li hti'fl  if 
 n-Pcepsry throurbout the iricub-tion -nrAd re~orin i .n io7  tb'i!nt went out i;.r.o. --f  l ightilnr 'h  beefn ued but b 11   been

 eff4-ci-nt end ir mort or lIre of a hewrd,'rticulArlY with -blreI 
 ereponibilitiep d-rin)- tht rummpr. From t'e vtýndpoint of o(,r-tionf

 then, I -rould welcome a plent. 
        I A¶o not know hor fer Yr. Bell w~te to Fro vith Prtificlol

 11ihtF tg. If hb hns in mind studIp bpyoni our mpnr rnd d-,' ire 
 we should ml ke ourr-lvP8 aiepr, but nothtng rp hpve s-id to-cdhte 
 hbs convinced bim thnt winter liphtinF -ou1'3 not briny pbout the 
 ertificiýTl .propra.ation of cnvasback. But pe for the lE-hting plbfit

 iteelf I do not think tccDptinv it reans thrt  rre ror7it oure1v 
 to go beyond our intpr.te or manna   I think it ru1d be        to 
 questiofn the advirabil.ty of in t11inu thr lTnnt. 'Ed n  r. Pnel I T 
 vlwtys workinR together on soire property improver'ent 9nd thip is 
 the job this winter. 
         To um up wy feelinzs; if I thourht thbt nccitinlt teV p1ant 
  committ'cd up to c.rry throuwh q serlps of winter liihting eixperritlntr

  I would not wvnt to sen thp plant Instelled.for this reason alone.