in. III. 41 
Dear Dr. Leopold, 
                 Thanks for your two recent items for my Delta 
files. This is not an official letter, as none seems to be re- 
q ired, but may I say that the suggestion of having Oscar Piddle 
at Delt& strikes me as axrtbcularly bright Idea. His extensive 
knowledge is -ust of the right kind for problems likely to be fsasit* 
at Delta, while I, personally, would enjoy nothing more than a 
chane to discuss various items with him. I haven't seen him for 
scme years and if he can be tempted along, what about making his 
visit (if possible) coincide with the next official gathering there? 
         I think it is probably unlikely that I shall make the 
coast t:is summer and if I do, it will only be for a short time. 
But in any ocqse, since 1 may be working with Collip for part of the 
summer, in Montreal, I would still like to know roughly what time 
the Delta meeting is likely to take place as soon as you have any 
concrete ideas. 
         I have ojust had an all-black snowshoe rabbit sent in to 
me fro~qý the country. Thib is the first I have ever seen, al- 
though I know of at least two authentic oases besides from this 
                          YcTars sincerely,