There is increasing interest in the Quetico-Superior program. A

fine article by Robert C. Mueller, Managing Editor of Sports Afield, con-

cerning this program appeared in the October 1946 issue of that magazine;

another by Kenneth A. Reid, Executive Director of the Isaak Walton League,

dealing with the problem of private land in the roadless area appeared in

the December 1946 issue of the same publication; Dr. Olaus J. Murie, 
Director of the Wilderness Society, will have an article on the Quetico-

Superior area in the June issue of the Living Wilderness. 
          Late last winter the Izaak Walton League invited Mr. Ralph 
Wentworth to present the Quetico-Superior program at the League's Silver

Anniversary National Conference in Chicago in March. The League requested

that a special "facts leaflet" be prepared for distribution at
conference and that an adequate exhibit be prepared and set up for the 
conference. The exhibit consisted of our official seal with flag decorations,

a Forest Service map of the area, an Izaak Walton League map showing land

acquisitions, many fine photographs, and appropriate slogan cards. The 
exhibit attracted much attention and received favorable comment. 
                        CANADIAN HELP FOR OUR PROGRAM 
          In Canada a similar increase in interest and support for the 
program is developing. The merits of the program have been presented 
before the Ontario Royal Forestry Commission at hearings in Toronto. The

report of the Pommission is expected soon. At that hearing the Canadian 
Legion appeared in support of the program. Endorsement of the program was

also voted at a meeting of the Toronto Hunters and Anglers Association, and

a committee of the Association was appointed to help bring about the adoption

of the program. This organization is similar to the Izaak Walton League.

                             FRANCIS LEE JACQUES 
          The Committee wishes to express its thanks to the eminent artist

and illustrator, Francis Lee Jacques. Mr. Jacques has drawn several out-

standing sketches for the use of the Committee. These sketches include a

new official seal, a letterhead, parts of the cover sheet for this news 
letter, and several other items. All this work was donated by Mr. Jacques.

                                     The President's Committee: 
                                     Charles Scott Kelly, 
                                         Acting Chairman 
                                     Ernest C. Oberholtzer 
                                     Jay H. Price 
                                     William Zimmerman, Jr.