Office of Editor                            132 Natural Resources Bldg 
Journal of "ildlife Management              Urbana, Illinois 
                                        June 4# 1947 
Mr.W. L. McAte* 
c/o univetsity of Chicago Press 
5750 Elis Avenue 
Chicago 37, Illinois 
Dr. Aldo Leopold 
Universit7 of Wisconsin 
Madison, Wisconsin 
          I am enclosing a letter which I received re- 
cently from Dr. Storer concerning the work of the Awards 
Comittee. I am also in receipt of a copy of Dr. Leopold's 
letter to Dr. Benmett relating to the work of this Cittee. 
As I have never operated on this Co   ttee before, the 
guidance and suggestions of you gntleen will b    of great 
importance to me. The four points mentioned in Dr. Leopold's 
letter sound to me both logical and desirable and it ia my 
personal feeling that the council should adopt them. 
          The press of many things here will keep me, thor- 
oughly occupied until sometime In July. After that tim 
it should not be too difficult for us to moet, possibly in 
Chicago, for purposes of discussing the matters of procedure 
which face the Comittee. Do you think such a conference 
would be desirable? 
                                   Very truly yours, 
                                   Harlow B. Mills 
cot Dr. Logan J. Bennett