Ralph M. 
-rouse w 
in 1934 ( 
of an at' 
            "t ~  AIU W. '6A.LoOVV  LJ.VW   ~U I#A   6kkI !J~ UW  U.LVIZW$UI

budget, beginn; July 1, 19.4, should be allotted to the univer 
for this wOrk, 
          3.-  r. Gri   r. e stablishmaent of a position 
the Bureau of Personnel as assistart, gaiwe division. 
          -n azsistanit is urgntly .eeded to carry on mari 
det!ils of the division (routine correspondence, minor ad 
tion, asslstance in supervising game far.us, inspection of 
and waterfowl refuOes, private shooting preserve8, g.e I 
deer raras, aetting up nf fw g       - projects! contact With 
mewns orgu~i1on, anw eners     riald worK;. 
          a. Provision h~s been made for this by the 
game division, in the existing l,34 budget-. .    tho 
requeated to contct the 3ureau of rersowel for the I 
4.      AaaKenzie. Fur supervisor. 
    Jee attached memorandum by 4r. Aa'enzlie, 
srvey uiun (under an, 
this appolntment). 
          With the p] 
OInd with reference i 
the necessity for a t 
the  owamittee ur e~ t] 
ily, Minnesota (detal 
of federal, state, c, 
grounds in Wisornsin, 
Irounds is posted, nc 
where these shooting 
T.ie attespted pos tin 
oonditions is oonsid, 