p,*203, Ppr 2 
p. 208, ar21 
p. 215 
p. 219 
p.222, Par 2-, Line 1+ 
P.233, Per I 
       Piar 2 
P.234, Pevr 2 
p.244, Par 2, Unc 11 
  The l    et sentence  u t t e  thet e a scrip- 
  tion of th* technique will follow. Uch is 
  not the ase except as the reader puzzea 
  it out of the presenVtion of data 4vea 
- By of pr'Lraph does not olarify topic 
-    t three prrefraphr riee  auuetlon as to why 
  thia situ-aton oe not create ,,eLtiV-ient pZnst 
  acceptance of "yztfem." Thli question -hýhUld 
  be explained. 
- Under (2) of this paragrFph wording indicete 
  'haryest of the 1aoers" and harve.st of 
  each of the several elasses of hunter-s." 
- Graph- Yuld help reader understand this 
  dat. A4io ireater dscusion of sinifi.- 
  oanoe would be helpful. 
- As a preface to these obseorwtins the read- 
  er mheuld be informe4 as to wht the nature 
  of this stagFered aeasonua (i.e., be'glinninF 
  o  pargraph o-n page 216.) Futherre 
  poi~n~tr ited are hardly 'conclusions" - 
- Zignifioace o t   a table is not pointed out- 
  reader i  lft to his ont rpretation. 
- Amain no Interpretltion of feats .te4, 
- Idntil ~e and percent of          lea and 
  f lee do not ieea reaona+ble, 
- Bsis of lat statement not clear at tais 
  time althauo7h It can be enoputed fro data 
  given later, 
-  ta~ient reaar-Ing effect of kill of cocks 
  should be qualifiee as it could be excessive 
  ne- oe ciro;etancea 
- Thie s     of ito= mi-ht bettor be ll ted. 
- Again in thlt, table there La no mention of 
  p ibie vrying differences betwee oover 
  types in the obe~rvnbility of the two Sexe 
  having been taken into eo    *. Only if this 
  is done can the dat  Aven represent the 
  tople stated in the table. 
- Drt &n -ize of clutch aPn nesting soucess 
  harly fits under the topic '"Lize of Broods." 
hy il sweet clover excepted? 
  M-uoh of t1is data could be graphod to adyan- 
-ram fifarea given in table, 3,415 cocks were 
  Tottl yearly mlortality sýhoruld be given. A~t 
  first c lance one has the Imarenaion that the 
  mortelity for the ye-r ,s 00 percent. 
- 5-