1e&L&uar~y f2, 1-36 
Mr. Aldo Leopold 
1532 University Avenue 
Madison, 1i$Conaia 
Dear Mr. Leoi)old: 
               In reply t-, your letiler of February 14 I have made a 
tenta.ive drafl. o2 the three statements drawn up by. the Committee on 
Wild Life. Inciuded in the draft are Shelford' s suggestions which you 
sent with your ieýýer, I think it itort      that I should
hdve your 
approval of the statement before taking any further steps. Pleasa 
look it over carefully aaid let me rnow if you see any nist:kes or if 
you wish to alter the ioraing. The ouly change I have made is to con- 
vert into a headline the shorL iutroiuctory sentence in the first 
paragrap;h of section 3 as it Deemed e ore eifective this way. You will 
note that the first paragraph in section 3 is at oresent a unified 
stateinent, whereas thle headline reialy applies noý to this paragraph

but to the entire stateiento 
               The mimeomraphed statement entitled "Proposal for a 
Conservation Inventory of Threatened Sp>ecies" is marked in pencil
Official". It seemen t6 me that this, is a very e9f:ective state.aent
ought to be used when I appro-ach thie conservation organizations o"
government. I would like instructions from you as to how to use this 
statement. It is marked "iough Draft", so tha', you may wish to
some changes in it. Unless it was adopted in its present form by the 
committee I should like your authorization to submit it to members of 
the committee for approval and for permission to present it along with 
other material to those interested in the conservation of wild life. 
Since it is mimeographed I assume that you have a copy of it; if not I 
shall be glad to send the copy I have. 
               -Please let ne know whether the copy of the three state- 
ments is satisfactory aid also whether I can use, the mimeographed 
statement that accompanied them. 
                                    Sincerely yours, 
                                    Ivoy F. Lewis, Chairnai 
                                    Division of Biology and Agriculture 