I fi tenber 10, 1946 
'ear p1rfessor ObEnu 
I have cooatind t,-, roit your --oninig earborisaof aartsat correvpouencs

on our mtual interesgts in Iteota, and                king ow     to seeing

70t -%rPS1n !or P di@i   Io~ n the Meanti   1 feel.1 t   Ougt to ke   you

as nearly up to date a -syible on t           ts in     idtwandiug of the

situation,50M Sagms ets seem   h   c   r to   now then    tdid lest winter,

and I think I ao-s eloser to havi    srsoznl      sition  if you might epil
11hAt I would now frvor is the close 09    e cooperatinn In roea,'Iifin 
tfl sou's 3-pnint p-=gr~n. but itfav      to I would want to be ui.Ierotood
also  up-port'ug, the Io                 e (*.otico-jupvrlor Council. I pre-

sme the~re are adjust,    in Aes    thft   11 have to be made, Ixt w4e shoul

not, I believe, do i ing that ot iVpoazible to realize, as mn 
sa it night be feasib ,a wilderness       area extendi g on both side. of
Intemwtional  ona 
YTu will recli tbat r   r !Tecti    hat 'Yr. trii would be able to visit
count_      an      uot ellent guidr-noe from him ifter his viit. 
        ho ha atheritýýnd      eout with strong cnrV4otiOna
tjUýt thep pCrogram 
of the    tioo-,'upoeri, Counil 1. sudAnd that the ara It o   tmptewill 
Ue non   o lzrp.   -r   e'i was Impr~essed with how ruicklV it ia IpnsablbI
g  ac     tho wildern   cano* countr that thaw. Is still a ahe  to presee.

This        t modify   o-inion that w" hould all wor as clouely as wo
can to 
      re &It  t        squisition of the lipewo Ioadles ,rean private
   for th   D      o is itn the t"nited States the i~ortaat iwedl§A*te
ation from 
all p-oints of viw. Thix opinion would thuoi restrain w*from arguing with
about the Oetico-porior 60il' s prgm, but in al1 cior I thiO      k I should

now tell you thLt pFrsonsily I wtld be" to see this program reaizet,
and I be- 
!leve it will be the -ol$e of this sciety to  rhoer it. rmefsAt on. Iersonally,

as I exprssed nself last winter, I ot ant think we should at this ti"e
be a-ging 
our differences I. public but rather Pup:-ortini In eommn th# pictions ,gp
all went. 
Iwrite this only because I think I owe it to you to let yMu know -where I
";7now you roanoot fravnkness, .i~n so Fm now all the more eaerly lookri-
to a disotension of how- we cpn best vierge our diw~rrglenoR In mipvýortingc