IL V1. MA.4msis-2 
        IWe ar all ready to put fo ur m a o  this9 Job. 
        Of the 8 it4, No. 9 cud be better done at Poyatto or in t 
BIoIoQ B   mhlin tan here, but the other seve are ini part u lia 
to your personnel, being eontimations of our previosa work. No. 14 could
be n4a by your Depa    t at all, unles you hav e referene O)lletims 
which I do not I% aout. 
        NoI , 1 2 anl 3 a" be done without eatting open the bird aM

without damgin  the bird for No. 9 (pathologica  ew~inatlon), Irt No,$ ~49

Cano be divided, i.e   amust be done all at one tie and place. For thi 
reason I m runtly forced o aw that we caot send all ou mteria 
to yo withwout crippling and delaying our ow work 
        I alo call attention to the fact that it =r considewble am    t 
of materW 14hould com in, it woul1d overtax our *oubiued forces to handle,

It at all. 
       Oonsdering all these -practieal di fficulties, I pvropose the follow-

Ing plan: 
        (a) Eh  of the two g ps handle its own material u to the limit 
           of its 
        (b) Any bird *tbih is evidently a pathologica  case to be sent 
           prmptly to Dr. Graves at   netts withot opein i   (i.e., 
           we will forgo our eoa squInation as to 1. 5, 6, 7#. ). 
        (o) 1(. Conwa or Dr. Graves, it they have noreference collection

           few item 4, are invited to use our maivereieolloctions. 
        (d) Sold yo   -   ultimately wish to     their dat& AS to 1-T

           with curs, the fidig to be put out undtreoi   anepio. 
           m data on No. S, if a, are to be at Dr. Graves' ispossl, 
                                     Tours rly. 
                                         ~Aldo Leepolt 
                                  ?wotosser of Gafta Managim~t 
Febr=rr 171 1936