thom. The bird sganetaz  idea oa iginated with the ludubo* Society. A 
project is now on hand for maklag bird sacuais    out of golf eoures.. 
There are a large inuber of problmm in concinwith this bird p~roposition.

There needs to be a great deal of tesching along lines of p)reserwution of

birds, The subjeet of gam. admnistration should sp.ring as raadi4y fro  the

mouths, of people as cnrvtion. There needs to be a treedous asmuut of 
comon sense taught tr this oomttee on this wild life proposition. On* 
of the many things which the Research Counil should do,, if possible# is
teach so" prutios ideas. 
tDisaussed V Needhamstand Idaler, 
bt. Ross L. Leffler was to have discussed topic 1, but uince he vas aboont

this topic was oeditted. 
          I think there has been a sufficiunt description of the fact that

the oonseryation sovement Is at ver large gand uaeftl aoe on the part of
American people. I think we can advmane this as an axim that biological 
asiomee uncoers facts Wiat mank the differmencess between biological fastors

shrink. The ears pushing of the function )f rveaech will not itself have

a pacifýIng and coordinating effect that will eake for tein work,
that are 
som  of the ideas with which these factors are wrestling? They havv first
idea of ruestition~. The first teapx   we use in cosrigaomethiag Is 
that 4f r-esrictioa, I believe that has alwqe been the ease. we 01'alwq 
say that that is the line of eyolution, I think that the present movetst