   fe therefore recoimend that some appropriate Coomittee of 
   the N.1.,C be given authority and instructions to: 
   1. Canvass all available Institutions with proven interest in 
      and facilities for such an undertaking, and if such is foud, 
      and willing to undertake such canvassing and report, to 
   2, Create an Advisory Committee of the NTR.C. which act in 
      advisory capacity to the Secretary or Investigator assigned to 
      do the work as sketched in (13) above, 
15, Pending consideration of and action on the above recommendations, 
    the Sub-Committee on the Training of Men for Adninistrative and 
    1,ducational Wo'ri-in "ild Life here reporting will consider it-

    self discharged, though available, on occasion, for further 
    activities in case there appears occasion,