Division of Wildlife ibnasgmeas 
424 University Far Place 
Auguist 29, 1939 
Mr. C. M. Palmer, Jr. 
Ameriocn Wildlife Institute 
Investment fi1idin 
Washington# D. 0. 
D~ear Mr. Palmer: 
          Wefore he left for Canada Mr. Leopold asked 
loet yu know, toward the eo of the month, the amount 
to most the September 1 payrolli r the Delta project. 
salaries are as followes 
me to 
R. A. Ioohebmm ................ ..$.S 0   o00 
Ly'le owl. ....................... 100.00 
Peter Ward ..... . ......           0 ....... .. 
   Total for August ......... 
Vivian Horn 