3   Shoeaker 
5. jbw ma Wh sprtI         trMA 
      I have o preferec a betwn the two uethods of f    inanci 
a fe-ral Progm. 'ither or both are acep table to me. 1. only 
indfeible action dutl be to do notht   to improve the premat 
      loa nro-Dosges to finance barrestoration -orogra by an laoteaue 
In her Unee fee. If th Rld       a2 -i    made available to t 
tates     enial failitie  for sqttict aprpiw    of restoration 
oties,             states mild of their own aeor set up their 
own restoration programs. e* the woinatir of etate an ?edral 
ativities would4 be aun*omatically imroved* 
                                   ALDO IZM OLD 
P.S. If a aber of the Iowa      ission  . to be preset at the 
hearings. I rouV ip 9t thi  letter '4e twd over to him for 