Adopted December 31, 1947 
                           Article I. 
     The name of this organization, formed in January, 1946, shall 
be The Ecologists Union. 
                           Article II. 
     The preservation of biotic communities in their natural cont. C 
dition is essential for many types of scientific research; for edu- 
cation in biology; astcieck areas for comparison with agricultural, 
grazing, forestry and engineering practices; and for the esthetic 
enjoyment of wild plants and animals and of the primitive land- 
scape. The objectives of The Ecologists Union shall be, therefore, 
the preservation under proper safeguards adequate samples of all 
biotic communities in each distinctive natural region and to 
encourage the study of these communities. These objectives are to 
be attained through work of permanent committees. The organization 
of The Ecologists Union shall be designed to give these committees 
the greatest possible freedom of action. 
                          Article III. 
     Two main classes of membership shall be recognized: 
     1. Individual Members--those persons interested in the objec- 
tives of the Union. 
     2. Institutional Members--those societies, clubs, and other 
organizations willing to join with the Union in promoting its objec.- 
tives. Each institutional member may appoint or elect a represen- 
tative to act for it in matters affecting the Union. 
     Persons and institutions shall become members upon certification 
by the Secretary-Treasurer. 
                          Article IV. 
     Each individual dues paying member and each dues paying institu- 
tional member shall have one equal vote in all matters that affect 
the Union. Voting shall be conducted by mail ballot or at previously 
announced business meetings.