(3) A majority of the Council, present at meetings in, person, shall
       stitute a quorum. 
       (4) A resolution in writing, signd by all members of the Gouncil,
       be deemed to be of the same force and effect as if it had been duly
       by a vote of the Coucil at a convened meeting. 
Seco         emb1rs of the ociety sbaIl consist of those persons, who, haviU6
their acquiesconce in the objects of the Society as set forth in Article
Z, have 
been elcted to membership by the Aicuivem Cmwittee, 
4to      -.. 3v a majority vote of the entire membership of the Council,
cast in per- 
son pr by a unanimous vote in witin signed by all its members, the Council
expel from membership in the .'ociety any member who manifests an overt lack
sympat y with the objects of the Society; but no member snall be expelled
he has been furnished with a written courl.Ant against him and has been -iven
opportunitj of answering it or of resi~ping. 
S          The Council may In its discretion establiah membership dues. It
also ýathorise the acceptance of donations and bequests. 
     These 3y-laws may be amended by a vote of two-thirds of the members
of the 
Council present at any meeting of the Council held after no less thýn
thirty days, 
written notice of the pronosed amendment or amendmnts and the reasons th
provided that such vote shall be thereafter confirmed by two-thirds of the
Council in writing within sixty da-s. 