December 10, 19.4 
    1. Lot the educational inatitutions which desire to emphasize 
 their leadership, provide funds for a conference at their institu- 
 tions and thus bring together the Comittoe, Federal, local and 
 State leaders, for a       anro   arid discussion of the broad features

 of the roblam, including the local arlpect-. A few of such confer- 
 ences would do nuch to lead to a mutual understanding and *ould be 
 a real test of the sincerity of the claimers of the educatior~al in- 
 stItuti ons to saek advice. 
    2. A series of papers might be prepared for publication in 
 various journals, telling what the educational institutions are 
 doing. The public (State and Federal) officials should be requestCd 
 to state vihat they felt were the educatlional needs of mon re.iuire4 
 for their work, and what both groups considered the major practical 
 and research problems in their field. These results would help all 
 of these centers, 
    3. If tba local educatioml centers need an advisory group, 
 persons from their own faculty should be the nucleus of such an 
 advisory group. They can easily call in any others needed, 
         "See. 6 recolmmnds: That the schools be aslzed to cooperate,..

         with Covernment providing expert advice 
         and research facilities." 
    Question 4: "Does the recent expansion in government land utilizza-

 tion activities need spccific appraisal to determine   eher ai 
 able school advice and facilities are being used? Is there a con- 
 versa need for governmont ageicies to Conduct and finance research 
projects through schools, rather than directly?" (This refers to 
the general principle asserted in the Buthven report"that instruction

Mr. Aldo Leopold