Incorporated in District of Columbia, July 22,1935

                      INVESTMENT BUILDING, WASHINGTON, D. C. 
                                            October 3. 1#4I, 
Mr. R. Albert Isoobawn 
Delta Duck Statin. 
Deltas Ewaltoba. Canada 
Dear Vr. b1bmats 
               I - oeoloelag herewith our bhk for $241, to .eploenih 
petty cash. Your Item of September S oalls tor 09.96. The it.itsot bill 
of Hill's Drug Stores totals $9,75.  That to the reason for the difference

betwee  your total an  our chcOk.  I a- also sending your salary shek for

the month of Ocotobr a   a third chock of 3.S5.4 eovering your oxpenses 
or the mth of September. 
               teferring to your lottr ot Qoeobor 14 rgarding the supplies

acout, I om sending you a eopy at our work sheet so that you may further

shook your recrds.   I tool oure that there toso disroepa     in fis te ounts

but simply a differene in our Interpretation of the Director's travel and

oxpeaso aosumt an   supplies and alloostion of items under these two differ-

oat aOoOuats. 
               Under the heading,, firttor's *1xponoo Aceount* we have 
inoluded only Iteme of travel, that is railroad, *to., hotel and susteoanoe.

               Your smry uder ite* to. 2. Diretor's exponse. S       traTol

aoount under date ot January 1-4h     $0 ahbos an item of 09S.$9 for travel.

You will note frem our work shot that vs have allocated 460.32 to Diroetor's

travel SM exponse SMd the balance of $3.57 to supplies. 
                Under Item I tor Au   t. #.60 of the $5.0 (otftce and hatch-

ory supplios) we have allocated to Director's travel SM expnose which 
bringe the total for August under Item 2 (Director's expose. and travl) to

               You will also sot that we have sot up a petty cas fund but

we do not allocate this until expended.   I em returning your smary, *foolng

that perhaps you may need it to have in frost of you when *hoeking my ialloa-

               At Prof. Leopold's suggestions I em attaehing a statement
 the unexpeadod balanses in each Item of the budget as they stand on our
 at the close of October 51.