The Biological Survey might well consider setting up a central service whereby

students and field workers would get current reprints or abstracts at some

regular subscription cost. Bibliographies of accumulated material are also

     Oonsltin& 7ailities. Special precaution is needed to built up variety

and balance in the faculty personnel wailable to wild life students for 
consultation. In the long run this counts for more than any other one thing,

save only the intellectual quality of the students themselves. 
     We urgently recommend that at appropriate intervals a smitable sa= be

set aside for the purpose of employing, for a temporary period, a scientific

advisor for a scientific overhaul or inventory of such institutions as ask

for his services. His job should be to make a round of such institutions,

appraising the scientific validity of their current findings in wild life

research and advising vhat items of faculty strength are lacking from each

institution in respect of its consulting facilities for wild life research.

     Among the items now comuonly lacking from local faculties areo 
          (1) Men sympathetic to both field and laboratory research 
              technique, and skilled in combining the two. 
          (2) Men who recognize and value field skill in the diagnosis 
              of ecological problems. 
           (3) Representation in those overlapping fields ordinarily 
              called psiology, endocrinology, biochemistry, antrition, 
              and geatcs. 
           (4) Men with a well balanced view of mathematical methods 
               for the evaluation of data. 
     Oentral Services. While heartily endorsing the proposed decentraliza-

 tion of game research, it is nevertheless evident to this comaittee that

 certain scientific services are best kept centralized. 1he present servicing

 of food habits and of banding work are good examples. This servicing of

 local game projects is a going concern, and has operated to the mutual benefit

 and satisfaction of central and local persoanel.