Dredging Co. near Warren, Idaho County, and to the operation of the mill
of the Yellow Pine Co. near Yellow Pine, Valley County. The Talache Mines,
Inc., operating the Gold Hill & Iowa mine at Quartzburg, was the largest
producer of gold in Idaho in 1931, but it was virtually idle in 1932 following
the fire of August 1931. The mine, however, was reopened and the vein developed
to a depth of 1,090 feet. The Idawa Gold Mining Co. and the Idaho Gold Dredging
Corporation, both large producers of gold since 1926, produced no gold in
 After spending much time, and money in developing the BoiseRochester property
and the Atlanta Mines group at Atlanta and building a new 200-ton amalgamation
and flotation plant in 1931 the St. Joseph Lead Co. became the largest producer
of gold in Idaho in 1932. The new plant had its initial run early. in the
year, and gold bullion was shipped to the assay office at Boise~ Idaho, and
rich gold concentrates were hauled to Mountain Home and shipped to Utah for
smelting. In 1932 the company produced about 42 percent of the total State
output of gold or more than all the mines in the State produced in 1931.
 A comparatively new company which began producing gold in 1932 was the Yellow
Pine Co. at its property near Yellow Pine, Valley County. The company started
operating its new 150-ton flotation plant in January and by the end of the
year succeeded in becoming the third largest producer of gold in Idaho; the
mill also recovered a large quantity of concentrates containing stibnite,
the sulphide of antimony.
 The new dredge of the Idaho Gold Dredging Co. at Warren increased its output
of gold and ranked second as a producer of gold ' in Idaho in 1932. A new
dredge was constructed on Warren Creek by the Warren Creek Dredging Co.,
the old Bailey dredge on Rhodes Creek near Pierce was reconditioned by the
New York-Idaho Dredging Corporation, and the dredge in Owyhee County, operated
in 1931 by the American Gold Dredging Co., was worked in 1932 under lease
by the Superior Leasing Co. The combined output from these 4 plants was valued
at about $170,000 compared with $80,352 produced by 4 dredges in 1931. Considerable
gold was also produced from the Golden Anchor Mine near Burgdorf, Idaho County,
and from many small mines throughout the State. There was a substantial increase
in the output of siliceous gold ore in 1932 and a marked increase in deposits
of gold at the assay office at Boise for the year.
 Silver.—The output of silver decreased 520,923 ounces in 1932,
a small quantity compared with the decreases in other States.
Despite the decrease in value from $2,094,068 in 1931 to $1,889,400 in
1932 the State was the second largest producer of silver in the United
States, following Utah, as it was in 1930—31.
 In the Coeur d'Alene district, which produced at least 6,500,000 ounces
of ' silver, about 45 percent of the silver was r~covered from the ore of
the Sunshine (Yankee Boy) Mine on Big Creek east of Kellogg;. most of the
remainder was produced from the Bunker Hifi & Sullivan, Hecla, Morning,
and Crescent Mines, which ranked in the order given. The Golconda and Page
properties in Shoshone County, the St. Joseph property in Elmore County,
and the Whitedelf Mine in Bonner County were also large producers of silver.
The Sunshine property increased its silver output about 550,000 ounces and
was not only the largest silver producer in Idaho but became the largest